Friday, March 22, 2013

 The Fireplace makeover at my Sister's house.

The first step was removing the doors of the cabinet.  Which had a huge area for a very deep TV.  Which was not used.  
We used 2 coats of this Gripper paint and primer so we would not have to sand or prep the wood on the fireplace in any way.  Then we used 2 coats of semi gloss white paint from Lowes brand.  That was all it took.

Lewis had made the board to cover the whole a few weeks earlier.  He got a 64 inches long by 45 inches tall piece of plywood.  Which the people at Lowes cut at the store the size needed.  We made it the same length from side to side as the fireplace was on the bottom, not the size of the mantel.  The height we just guessed by what looked good to us.
Then Lewis framed the plywood with some trim and did another frame inside the plywood box with another decorative trim.  He used liquid nails to hold it on the wood and then used a nail gun on the corners of each frame.  Then the guys used liquid nails again on the back of the board and stuck it to the wall.  Finishing it off with a few nails to hold it while the liquid nails dries.

Lewis had to caulk around the whole frame and the inside of the fireplace. 

This picture was taken the first day it was done so no decor was added yet !

BEFORE                            AFTER

TDC Before and After
Home Stories A2Z

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Stair case make over



First we removed the carpet and had hardwood    trends put on $2500.Then we repainted the rail white and removed the frame job we did when we moved in 2 years ago.

                                        A great new light.

The after effects of taking down the frame.


The wall was ripped up so we put up plywood in a larger size than before to cover up the damage.

 Then we added the chair rail on one wall in the living room and up the stairs.

         Then we painted the lower half a chocolate brown.

The $2500 for the stairs also covered the wood floor on the     landing up stairs in the hall to the bedrooms.

These are the pictures of the cuts my husband made to make the trim on the chair rail.   

                       Then we added square boxes of trim.

All done!

Happy Hour Projects

504 Main

Yes, you would have been a Nazi.

 People often say that if they lived in Nazi Germany that they would not have gone along with the Germans.  They would have known it was wro...