Tuesday, June 30, 2015

10 commandments- If I was a god my list of ten who be like this.

10 commandments- If I was a god my list of ten who be like this.

1 - thou shall not hurt a child, no abuse sexually
 or physically

2 - thou shall not rape

3 - thou shall not kill

4 - thou shall not raise a hand to hurt others 
except to save a life

5 - thou shall not own a slave

6 - thou will treat all people equal no matter 
the color, gender or sexual orientation

7 - thou shall let no person be homeless or 
go without food

8 - thou shall not tell others what to do with 
their own bodies

9 - thou shall not steal

10- thou shall not bare false witness

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Yes, you would have been a Nazi.

 People often say that if they lived in Nazi Germany that they would not have gone along with the Germans.  They would have known it was wro...